To the Editor:
The Jefferson School Committee greatly appreciates the citizens who turned out on Sept. 30 for the new school site plan proposal and straw poll. The overwhelming unanimous 92 favorable votes was an incredible result.
Serving Maine and Lincoln County for over 140 years
To the Editor:
The Jefferson School Committee greatly appreciates the citizens who turned out on Sept. 30 for the new school site plan proposal and straw poll. The overwhelming unanimous 92 favorable votes was an incredible result.
To the Editor:
On the occasion of National Home Care and Hospice month in November, Kno-Wal-Lin Home Care and Hospice would like to take opportunity to thank its entire staff for their commitment to delivering excellent healthcare to the Midcoast community.
Dear Editor:
The Boothbay Harbor Sewer District supports a “yes” vote for Question 3 on this year’s Nov. 4 ballot.
To the Editor:
Having served on county budget committees for many years, some with Josh, I know he will be careful with your tax dollars. Your county budget has gone from $3 plus million to $10 million in the last few years.
To the Editor:
I urge the voters of Boothbay, Boothbay Harbor, Southport, Georgetown, Westport Island and Arrowsic to send Hamilton Meserve to State House Nov. 4.
To the Editor:
I had to laugh when I read Peter Drum’s column in which he says he is going to reduce taxes. If so, he might be the first Democrat in Maine to do so! But will he really do this? His plan is to reduce taxes – by raising them!
To the Editor:
At the same time we’re keeping busy with fall chores and preparations for winter and worrying about the economy, we’re being called upon to pay attention to the political campaigns that are swirling all around us.
To the Editor:
“Change We Need.” That phrase, which my son stenciled on the Obama/Biden sign we’ve put on our lawn, is the reason I’m voting for Obama.
To the Editor:
This letter comes as an endorsement of Peter Drum for Maine House of Representatives, District #51.
To the Editor:
On Nov. 4 the people of Whitefield, Windsor, Palermo, Somerville, Chelsea, Wiscasset, Alna and Westport Island are being asked to vote on the consolidation plan developed by the Sheepscot Valley RSU Regional Planning Committee.
To the Editor:
I like the radio ads that I have been hearing from Charlie Summers, candidate for Congress. He proposes a common sense plan to explore for domestic oil and gas now, as well as increased production of alternative forms of energy right here in America.
To the Editor:
It was a beautiful fall morning in Waldoboro. I was on my way to meet friends at Morse’s for breakfast. The air was crisp, the colors beautiful, and the signs seemed to multiply before my eyes.
To the Editor:
The voters of District 52 have the opportunity to elect someone who will work hard for the people of the District and the State of Maine.
To the Editor:
Some things to consider:
“Change” – It’s long overdue. Those who aren’t ready for change might not have noticed that Senator Obama’s recommendations in our Wall Street Crisis and talking with our enemies, have already been implemented.